
Make-A-Will Month Strategy Guide


Make-A-Will Month is a crucial time for nonprofits to enhance their planned giving programs. Occurring annually, this event typically encourages individuals to create or update their wills, and importantly, consider leaving a legacy to causes they deeply care about. For nonprofits, this is an unparalleled opportunity to foster deeper connections with donors and build sustainable, long-term revenue streams.

Understanding an effective strategy for Make-A-Will Month is a vital step for any nonprofit organization. It can help amplify their mission, attract new donors, and generate increased funding for future initiatives. This strategy involves educational outreach on the importance and process of will preparation, inspiring storytelling about the impact of legacy giving, and recognition of legacy donors, amongst other tactics.

Embracing Make-A-Will Month not only promotes the importance of legal preparation for the inevitable but also taps into the potent power of legacy giving. It enables nonprofits to secure their mission for years to come and offers donors a chance to make a lasting impact in the areas they are passionate about.

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